Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Blogging Through The Years

It was in 2005 when I first started to have my own blog out of curiosity. It was still in bravejournal, a free blog hosting format and for your info it was still live and I am still blogging there from time to time. A friend then introduced me to blogger and in Jan. of 2007 I set up an account there and it was more user-friendly and has nicer widgets. Aside from that I was able to tweak some settings, put widgets and other codes that I can’t normally do at bravejournal. Slowly I have been upgrading my blog format through the years while I became more engrossed with blogging.

By mid- June of the same year, I have learned that I can have my own domain with my name or any title of my choice that I can call my own. I was ecstatic so I finally bought a domain and researched and asked a friend to redirect my blogspot blog to its new domain and in no time after having a stressful and difficult time I have redirected it.

From then on my blogs have sprouted like mushrooms and have been using blogger and Wordpress as my blog formats. You can check out my other blogs if you want, links are at my sidebar.
I have also made sure that I have a good web host to back up all my domains because if not I 'll be whining and I don’t want to have my site down all the time.

If you are planning to set up your blog or any site whether for personal and or for business you must then first know what blog format you’ll be using and do some research. There are
affordable dedicated hosting and you might want to try Single Hop that can host your sites as they have improved quad core servers right now.

Start your own blog or site now and be not left behind. Good luck!

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