Monday, July 11, 2011

Shopping Therapy

Thought of buying a new chair that I can use when I work at home. So after lunch time and before heading home, I asked my brother that we’ll be going to SM to buy one. After buying the chair, they headed home and I spent my time in the mall. As usual it was fun trying some shoes and fitting clothes.

Actually, I was looking for comfy flat shoes but could not find the right one, I’ve fitted several styles but nothing fit my feet well. I ended up buying nothing. My feet led me to the jeans section and I got excited when I saw that Lee Pipes and Jag jeggings are on sale. I love jeggings so much because it’s very comfortable to wear. I was able to purchased 2 jeggings and new blouses.. yey! Fortunately, I’m still able to control myself from buying t-shirts and underwear.

It took me about 4 hours shopping and just roaming around the mall, how’d I wish I have unlimited money so I can buy all the stuff that I want.

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